The Wild Robot

There’s a robot named Roz that just tumbles out of the sky, landing smack on some rocky cliffs. A bunch of animals can’t help but poke at it out of curiosity, and before you know it, they accidentally turn the thing on! Now, Roz is programmed to help folks, so it starts trying to be buddies with these creatures and even learns to speak their language. But most of them are just freaked out by this giant metal “monster.”

The whole scene takes a wild turn when a cranky bear gives Roz a shove right off an edge. It falls onto a goose nest but, miraculously, doesn’t bust one little egg. Fast forward a bit and—poof!—the egg hatches and the little gosling thinks Roz is its mom.

Suddenly in charge of parenthood duty, Roz gets flying lessons for its chick from Fink—a sly fox who loves snacks more than anything. Getting this baby ready for migration isn’t exactly a walk in the park since its tiny wings aren’t quite there yet, and let’s face it—the other geese think having a robot mom is just plain weird.

Things take another twist when more robots drop onto the island.

This story’s really all about how nature and machines can mix in some pretty surprising ways. The animation is gorgeous too; forget those sharp lines you see everywhere—this one’s dreamy with soft colors like an impressionist painting or something.

Adapted from Peter Brown’s book about our metal buddy Rozzum 7134, this flick isn’t your normal animated movie—it skips those hip hop vibes you might expect from something like “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.” Instead, it’s got this peaceful fairy tale feel set in nature that’ll get you gazing at the screen all zen-like—and trust me, that’s what makes it kind of special!
Alright, here’s the scoop on this movie. It’s all about Roz, a robot who’s kinda like Wall-E meets a Studio Ghibli story. She looks cool with her long, stretchy arms and green plant vibes all around her.

So, Roz crash-lands in the middle of the wild and guess what? The animals aren’t too thrilled to see her. You got bears trying to swat at her and raccoons being sneaky—total chaos, right? But Roz isn’t giving up. Instead of fighting back, she starts making friends by helping out these critters and finding this weird but awesome balance in the forest.

Now, while Roz is living her best life trying to fit in with nature, humans have messed things up outside. Picture a dystopian world where robots are supposed to do humans’ bidding during the day but also carry some serious heat that could turn the forest into toast.

Roz’s adventure has everything—funny bits that’ll crack you up and jaw-dropping scenes that’ll make you go “whoa.” Maybe they could’ve let us catch our breath now and then instead of rushing through it all!

And guess what? Chris Sanders is behind it, so if you’re into stuff like Lilo & Stitch or How To Train Your Dragon, you’re gonna love this one!
So if you liked the whole “Train Your Dragon” vibe, get ready to fall for Rozzum. Seriously, this little one is both adorable and full of courage. You’ll find yourself cheering them on the whole time! It’s like Rozzum was made for spin-offs or sequels—people are gonna love ’em that much.

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