Santa Claus, known as “Red One,” gets kidnapped right from his secret hideout at the North Pole...
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Sixteen years after Marcus Aurelius’s death, Rome’s in a bad spot, ruled by the nasty brother duo Geta and Caracalla. In rolls this mysterious prisoner named Hanno from Numidia. He’s brought over with a bunch of slaves, but everyone soon realizes he’s got some serious fighting skills. A guy named Macrinus, who’s really trying to climb the Empire ranks, picks him to be a gladiator...
Read more ...It’s been a bunch of generations since Caesar, the first leader of the smart apes, died. Now, apes run the world but haven’t developed anything too fancy as a society. Noa lives in this small village where they use overgrown power towers to hang out...
Read more ...So, Colt Seavers is this stuntman who’s totally into Jody Moreno, an assistant director. But after a major accident on set, he decides to quit both the job and his crush. Next thing he knows, he’s working as a parking attendant. Then out of nowhere, producer Gail calls him up with an offer that’s too juicy to pass up: to do stunts for “Metalstorm,” the first movie directed by his ex...
Read more ...Imagine a little girl with bright red hair living in a paradise garden, somewhere green and peaceful in the Australian desert. Life is all apple-picking and tranquility until some masked barbarians show up...
Read more ...Kate Cooper, back in the day, tried to crack a formula with her pals to tame the crazy power of tornadoes. Yeah, that didn’t pan out too well. So now, she’s got a cushy meteorologist gig in a comfy New York office. But then—bam!—an old buddy pops up and nudges her toward chasing storms again. She’s kinda tempted...
Read more ...Mike and Marcus have bounced back after the whole hitman fiasco with Mike’s son, Armando, who’s now in jail. Mike’s about to get married, and Marcus is tagging along like a modern-day Sancho Panza who can’t say no to junk food. But then Marcus gets hit by a heart attack, and after seeing Captain Howard in a vision, he starts thinking he’s invincible since his time isn’t up yet. His wife doesn’t buy it though, so she clears their place of all the snacks...
Read more ...Wade Wilson’s life hasn’t been the greatest lately. He’s put away his mercenary costume, but things have still gone downhill. His girlfriend left him and is now with someone new. He’s working at a car dealership with a guy named Peter, but business isn’t exactly booming...
Read more ...On the planet Cybertron, Primus sacrificed himself to give all Transformers, these shape-shifting robot aliens, the power of Energon. This was cool until a big fight broke out with the Quintessons, who wiped out almost all of the Prime warriors – except for Sentinel Prime. He’s now leading what’s left of his people underground to survive. Without the Matrix of Leadership around, Energon doesn’t flow as it used to. So, they rely on robots that can’t transform anymore to mine whatever’s left beneath the surface...
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