Deadpool & Wolverine

Alright, so here’s the deal with Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool. He’s kind of in a slump now. He quit his gig as a costumed mercenary, and life’s been giving him a hard time. His girlfriend took off and is dating someone else, his job selling cars with his buddy Peter is going nowhere fast, and he totally blew his Avengers interview.

Despite all that, Wade’s buddies are sticking around. So when this organization called the TVA kidnaps him and says they’re about to erase his timeline, he’s got no choice but to suit up again as Deadpool. He has this crazy plan that needs him to team up with another version of Wolverine. After trying a few times without much luck, he runs into Logan – who’s pretty down in the dumps – and pulls him along for the ride.

Their quest leads them to face off against the TVA’s powers-that-be. Instead of succeeding right away, they both end up banished to this wild place called “the void,” full of apocalyptic chaos thanks to a giant wolf-storm thing named Alioth and Cassandra Nova—who happens to be Charles Xavier’s really powerful evil twin sister.

This movie brings back Marvel’s most foul-mouthed and hyper-violent superhero for more madness. It’s like a big nod to the Fox-Marvel era with some killer chemistry between Deadpool and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine plus some unexpected surprise appearances. If you’ve been keeping up with Deadpool movies, this third one hits all your expectations but still manages to keep you on your toes with its crude jokes, wall-breaking humor fight scenes left and right just loaded down quirky shout-outs catering especially for nerds out there!
Alright, so picture this: we’re diving back into some old-school Marvel magic, not the Disney stuff but more the vibe from when Fox was running the show. And get this, they throw in a bit of nostalgia at the end with “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Green Day playing over the credits.

In this wild adventure through what feels like a wasteland for forgotten heroes, you’ll bump into all sorts of crazy character combos. We’ve got Jennifer Garner back as Elektra and Dafne Keen returning as X-23; those were expected. But man, there are surprise appearances that I won’t spoil for you—they’re just too good! One of them even involves an actor playing a superhero whose movie never made it past all the planning stages—it’s hilarious.

On one hand, there’s some cheeky fun going on with big-name stars throwing around swear words like they’re nothing—a total riot compared to their Disney versions. But really stealing the show is Logan’s comeback story. Hugh Jackman slips back into Wolverine mode and actually wears that iconic yellow costume. Don’t let that fool you though; he’s still his grumpy self. Pairing up with Deadpool makes them quite the odd duo—it’s gold.

It helps that both Logan and Deadpool have these insane healing powers which let them beat each other up endlessly without getting seriously hurt—kind of like watching a cartoon where nobody gets hurt for real, just lots of laughs and action along the way.
In questo film di Deadpool, invece di diventare una presa in giro di Hollywood con tutte le sparatorie e il caos, si punta più sullo spettacolo visivo e sul sangue digitale. Nel primo film, i fan sono rimasti colpiti dall’elaborata scena sulle autostrade, con un piano sequenza davvero unico. Poi, nel secondo, la scena del massacro della X-Force è stata epica. Questa volta, il regista Shawn Levy si diverte un mondo soprattutto durante due momenti: l’inizio del film dove Deadpool lotta con lo scheletro in adamantio di Logan come arma e una folle battaglia contro tante versioni alternative di se stesso che sembra uscita da un videogioco.

Emma Corrin si butta a capofitto nel ruolo di Cassandra Nova, anche se la storia non sa davvero sfruttare il suo talento al meglio. Hugh Jackman riceve comunque un po’ d’attenzione dignitosa anche se la sua eredità cinematografica ne esce un po’ ammaccata: confermano che muore in “Logan”, ma riprendere X-23 da quel film e usarla qui rovina il significato del suo sacrificio. Ma comunque non avrebbe molto senso chiedere seriosità da un mix tra Deadpool e Wolverine: questo film è tutto star cameo folli, azione senza troppe lacrime e linguaggio colorito – ma con battute velocissime che mantengono tutto super lively!

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